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Accessibility Feedback Form

As an Internet Service Provider company, eSeeLYNX understands that providing equal access to products, services, and environments is integral are accessible to all our customers. We have committed to improving our service, website content accessibility and usability to ensure equitable access to our sites and provide a better environment for our services. We are also committed to the principles set out in the Accessible Canada Act.

The purpose of the accessibility feedback process is to collect feedback from people with disabilities who may experience difficulties in the following areas: To provide feedback or to receive accessibility support, please complete the feedback form below. You can also email your concern to accessibility@eseelynx.com. You are also welcome to contact us by phone, please call us at our Accessibility Hotline at 604-638-1818. Ex 1102

Once a comment has been received, a staff member will follow up on necessary actions to be taken. If required, the person submitting the comment will be contacted by email or phone call for further investigations to help resolve the issue.

Your feedback is important to us. With the exception of anonymous feedback, we will acknowledge the receipt of all accessibility feedback.

This accessibility feedback page conforms to WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guideline) level AA requirement

Feedback Collection and Handling Process

* Required Fields

Attachments (Please upload a maximum of two photos or screenshots of the issue you are facing, if available)

This form is protected by reCAPTCHA. The Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.


eSeeLYNX Communication Ltd. has a firm policy of not selling, lending or disclosing your personal information. Under all circumstances eSeeLYNX Communication Ltd. will keep your information confidential and destroy it after use. Here for eSeeLYNX Communication Ltd.'s Privacy Policy.

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